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The two GOATs of simple design and time wasting unite.

One of my favorite jam games yet. Well done! My personal best is 26. Whoever did over 100 in the global high score? That's crazy!

(1 edit)

Merci pour la version deluxe! (j'étais à la GGC, très content de rejouer à ce petit jeu très fun^^). Petite remarque, avast m'empechait de lancer le jeu deluxe, faîtes peut-etre attention à vos réglages antivirus avant de lancer! 

Thanks for the deluxe version! (I was at GGC, very happy to be able to play this game again, really fun^^). Small note, i couldn't play the deluxe version game for some reason due to my antivirus parameters... So if someone has trouble look there, it might be the solution!

Hey guys, good game! My best score for the moment is 25!

Nice game! 

Hi, lovely game, well done :)